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Summary of the 2016 Data Collection on Contaminant Occurrence Data


Published on: Fri, 05 May 2017 +0200

An analysis of the 2016 annual collection of analytical results on chemical contaminants in food and feed covering the sampling year 2015 was performed. Data are submitted annually to EFSA by European data providers to support EFSA’s work programme in the area of contaminants. Overall, 837 154 analytical results were submitted. The analyses were performed on 124 987 samples collected by different European organisations. The data providers were governmental and commercial organisations; more than 93% of the data were analytical results submitted by governmental organisations. The report provides an overview of the number of results reported by substance, country of the data provider and FoodEx1 food or feed group; the distribution of results by country of the data provider is also presented.

© European Food Safety Authority, 2015

Summary of the 2016 Data Collection on Contaminant Occurrence Data

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