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Workshop on allergenicity assessment – prediction


An online workshop on allergenicity assessment, held on the 15th‐16th of June 2021, was organised by the Allergenicity Working Group of the EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (EFSA GMO Panel). The aim of the workshop was to set the scene on the current state‐of‐the‐art in the science of allergenicity assessment and to define what specific elements of such assessment need to be developed to move forward a field still in its infancy. The formulation of specific research requirements for allergenicity assessment and protein safety in general is urgently needed in a world that demands more sustainable food systems. The outcome of the workshop will guide the EFSA GMO Panel in the preparation of a Scientific Opinion focused on 1) improving the allergenicity risk assessment for products derived from biotechnology, 2) defining knowledge gaps, 3) determining how new basic research findings and technological developments can improve the current risk assessment methodology, and 4) prioritizing basic research funding, amongst others. Collaboration and engagement with stakeholders, academia and the scientific international community at large will be encouraged. The overall conclusion from the workshop was that science policy makers and the community overall should prioritize and dedicate more future resources to this topic. Our society demands innovative foods, which will strongly challenge the current allergenicity assessment paradigm, and it is the responsibility of risk assessors to make sure that we are ready for the future.

Ultimi Tweets

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