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Wild boar ecology: a review of wild boar ecological and demographic parameters by bioregion all over Europe


The definition of the most relevant parameters that describe the wild boar (WB) population dynamics is essential to guide African swine fever (ASF) control policies. These parameters should be framed considering different contexts, such as geographic, ecological and management contexts, and gaps of data useful for the parameter definition should be identified. This information would allow better harmonized monitoring of WB populations and higher impact of ASF management actions, as well as better parametrizing population dynamics and epidemiological models, which is key to develop more efficient cost‐benefit strategies. This report presents a comprehensive compilation and description of parameters of WB population dynamics, including general drivers, population demography, mortality, reproduction, and spatial behaviour. Beyond the collection of current available data, we provided an open data model to allow academics and wildlife professionals to continuously update new and otherwise hardly accessible data, e.g. those from grey literature which is often not publicly available or only in local languages. This data model, conceived as an open resource and collaborative approach, will be incorporated in the European Observatory of Wildlife (EOW) platform, and include all drivers and population parameters that should be specified in studies on wild boar, and wildlife in general, ecology and epidemiology at the most suitable spatio‐temporal resolution. This harmonized approach should be extended to other taxa in the future as an essential tool to improve European capacities to monitor, to produce risk assessment and to manage wildlife under an international perspective.

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