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Safety of natural mixture of dolomite plus magnesite and magnesium‐phyllosilicates (Fluidol) for all animal species


Published on: Fri, 04 May 2018 00:00:00 +0200

The additive under assessment consists of a natural mixture, mainly composed of dolomite (~ 30%), magnesite (~ 20%) and magnesium‐phyllosilicates (talc (~ 35%) and chlorite (~ 15%)). In 2016, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) delivered an opinion on the safety and efficacy of natural mixture of dolomite plus magnesite and magnesium‐phyllosilicates. In this opinion, the Panel concluded that 20,000 mg additive/kg complete feed is considered safe for dairy cows and for piglets (weaned). This conclusion was extended to pigs for fattening while no conclusion could be drawn on the safety for poultry or any other species/categories. Following this opinion, the European Commission gave the possibility to the applicant to submit complementary information in order to complete the assessment on the safety for all animal species. The new tolerance studies submitted with cattle for fattening and chickens for fattening showed tolerance of these animal categories to the additive up to approximately fivefold the highest recommended use level. The FEEDAP Panel therefore concluded that 20,000 mg additive/kg complete feed is safe for cattle for fattening and chickens for fattening. The additive at the same dietary concentration was already considered safe in an earlier opinion for piglets and dairy cows. Since the additive at 20,000 mg/kg complete feed is considered safe for four animal categories (three major animal species) with a comparable margin of safety, the conclusion on safety is extrapolated to all animal species. At the safe dietary concentration the additive did not affect the digestibility of the feed (including feed additives).

© European Food Safety Authority, 2015

Safety of natural mixture of dolomite plus magnesite and magnesium‐phyllosilicates (Fluidol) for all animal species

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