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Pest categorisation of potato leafroll virus (non‐EU isolates)


Published on: Thu, 09 Jan 2020

Following a request from the EU Commission, the Panel on Plant Health has addressed the pest categorisation of non‐EU isolates of potato leafroll virus (PLRV). The information currently available on geographical distribution, biology, epidemiology, potential entry pathways, potential additional impact and availability of control measures of non‐EU isolates of PLRV has been evaluated with regard to the criteria to qualify as a potential Union quarantine pest. Because non‐EU isolates of PLRV are absent from the EU, they do not meet one of the requirements to be regulated as a regulated non‐quarantine pest (RNQP) (presence in the EU); as a consequence, the Panel decided not to evaluate the other RNQP criteria for these isolates. This categorisation was performed considering two groups of PLRV isolates: those associated with the tomato yellow top disease (PLRV‐TYTV), not reported from the EU, and all other isolates (hereafter referred to as PLRV), with a worldwide distribution. Isolates of PLRV‐TYTV could potentially have an additional impact over the current situation in the EU and therefore meet all the criteria to qualify as a potential Union quarantine pest. All other non‐EU PLRV isolates, should they be introduced, are not expected to have additional impact and therefore do not meet this criterion to qualify as a potential Union quarantine pest.

© European Food Safety Authority, 2015

Pest categorisation of potato leafroll virus (non‐EU isolates)

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