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Joint project on Benchmark Dose modelling with RIVM


Published on: Mon, 03 Dec 2018

A web application for PROAST, a software package for BMD modelling, was developed to make the use of the BMD approach significantly easier for toxicologists and risk assessors. In addition, model averaging was included in the software, for the most frequently occurring types of data in toxicological studies. The PROAST web application now allows for applying model averaging for the case of both quantal and continuous data, as well as for combined datasets (dose‐response data for different subgroups), and for developmental data with potential litter effects. The PROAST web application is generally considered as very user‐friendly by toxicologists and risk assessors, which will favour the acceptance and wider use of the BMD approach. The comprehensive implementation of model‐averaging in the tool will lead to more harmonized results from BMD analyses in general, and more harmonized values of the RPs (reference points) for risk assessments.

© European Food Safety Authority, 2015

Joint project on Benchmark Dose modelling with RIVM

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