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Systematic literature search to assist EFSA in the preparatory work for the safety assessment of Novel Food applications and Traditional Food notifications


Published on: Tue, 28 Jan 2020

The main objective of this project was to develop a search strategy and a standard operating procedure, to perform systematic literature searches and screening of titles and abstracts based on pre‐defined inclusion/exclusion criteria for articles related to Novel Food/ Traditional Food applications received from the European Commission. In addition, two modules for testing of keywords and their weights and for rating and evaluation of titles and abstracts were developed. A list of keywords and weights used for rating of articles by their relevance was developed for each Novel Food/ Traditional Food category, i.e. plants, insects, fungi, algae and chemicals. During the project, 36 Novel Food/ Traditional Food requests were received and successfully processed by developing a detailed search protocol for each request that summarised the evaluation process.

© European Food Safety Authority, 2015

Systematic literature search to assist EFSA in the preparatory work for the safety assessment of Novel Food applications and Traditional Food notifications

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