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Risk assessment related to food additives and food processing‐derived chemical contaminants exposure for the Portuguese population


Published on: Thu, 26 Nov 2020

The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme (EU‐FORA) is an initiative by EFSA, aimed at building scientific capacity in food safety risk assessment in the EU. Current paper reports on the activities of this fellow, undertaken in participation of the third, 2019–2020 cycle of the EU‐FORA programme while placed at the University of Porto, Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, in Portugal. The work programme offered by the hosting site was related to risk assessment on food additives and contaminants. The fellow's hands‐on work consisted of two practical exercises, which aimed to assess the exposure to the 10 intense sweeteners authorised in the EU and a process contaminant, acrylamide, for the Portuguese general population.

© European Food Safety Authority, 2015

Risk assessment related to food additives and food processing‐derived chemical contaminants exposure for the Portuguese population

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